Recipients of the self-employment support scheme (SEISS) might have to repay some of the grant back to HMRC due to overpayments that were made.
HMRC are contacting people by post whose entitlement to the grant has reduced by more than £100, asking them to repay any overpayments.
This applies to people who amended their self assessment tax return on or after 3 March 2021 for the periods between 2016/17 and 2019/20, and became ineligible for the amount they originally claimed for their fourth and/or fifth SEISS grant as a result.
If the taxpayer claimed the fifth grant, HMRC will also look at their turnover figures to assess whether they were eligible for the 80% grant or the lower 30% grant. If they were only eligible for 30% but claimed 80%, they will need to repay the difference.
Any self employed tax payers who continued to trade when they didn't originally intend to, or who incorporated their business, should contact HMRC as they may no longer be eligible for the SEISS grants.
SEISS recipients who notice they have been overpaid are being asked to contact HMRC and make the repayment via the Government website.
However, HMRC will not raise assessments to recover grants from people if the grant was less than £100 or they were eligible for a grant and it has been lowered by £100 or less.
If you would like to check your grant information with us please use the contact us page.